By Anna Green April 22, 2020

Tattooing may be a millennia-old technique, but they have never been as visible or as popular as they are nowadays. The art of permanently decorating our skin with inks placed right beneath our epidermis is now a lot safer and more widely accepted than it used to be - but it does still require needles, and will involve some sort of pain.

I bet many of us would get our first tattoos more confidently if we knew beforehand what does a tattoo feel like. And yet, if there weren't some pain involved, it probably wouldn't carry the same mystique. That being said, pain when getting a tattoo is not uniformly unbearable, and there is no reason for you not to try a trick or two to lessen the discomfort.

Types of Tattoo Pain

If you have already chosen your design and its location, you may still be wondering what does it feel like getting a tattoo? Not all pains are created equal, after all. The most common types of sensations experienced include:

1. Scratching feeling

This is the most common type of pain experienced, especially if you are tattooing the less painful parts of your body. It feels like a needle scratching your skin repeatedly, and after approximately half an hour, it tends to become more of an annoyance than outright pain.

2. Sharp feeling

When taking care of fine details or venturing into an area close to the bone, you may feel a sharper, but less widespread, type of pain.

3. Burning feeling

This is common in larger tattoos that require a lot of colors, as they tend to set in after a while. This happens because the skin is already irritated, so it will burn a little and the skin will feel warm.

4. Stinging feeling

This often happens after the tattoo is done, usually the morning after. If your tattoo is somewhere that is usually covered by clothes, you may want to ensure you wear loose clothes that don't press on it for a couple of days.

The Ink Pain Scale - What Do They Really Feel Like?

Trying to guess what does a tattoo feel like is a question that most often consumes those who are about to undergo their first experience with body modification. However, asking the wrong person can easily mean you may end up never getting it!

The first thing to take into account is that not all tattoos feel the same. The main factors at play will be the size of the tattoo and the body region where you are getting it done.

The beginner-friendly areas

If you are concerned about pain, or simply want to test the waters before committing to a larger project, then place your tattoo on one of the following areas:

  • Fingers
  • Forearm
  • Outer arm
  • Calves
  • Lower to middle shoulder

The main thing all these areas have in common is that they have fewer nerve endings than other parts of your body. You will notice that they also tend to include some of your fleshier parts. These tend to be less painful than the parts of your body where the bones are closer to the surface. The one exception? The buttocks, which, despite being soft, have very sensitive skin.

The daring zone

If you've had a tattoo before and know what to expect, or simply have a high pain tolerance, you can also venture into one of the following parts of your body:

  • Upper shoulder
  • Lower back
  • Wrists
  • Stomach
  • Outer thighs
  • Inner arms

What about the extreme?

The following areas are considered the most painful to get tattooed, as they have very tender skin or bones close to the surface:

  • Back of the knees
  • Ribs
  • Shoulder
  • Face
  • Genitals

How to Make It Hurt Less?

The only way to truly learn what does a tattoo feel like is to take the leap and get one. That being said, there are many things you can do to ensure you keep the pain at a minimum - nobody will fault you for trying!

  • Use numbing cream

Numbing creams are lidocaine-based and are usually used by dentists - but they can also be very useful for a tattoo! Just make sure you do your homework, as they may require a prescription in your area.

  • Get a good distraction

Just like when getting a vaccine, sometimes the idea of a needle can cause extra, unnecessary pain. This is particularly important right at the start, as you are anxiously waiting for the first needle to perforate your skin. It helps to have a friend distract you while the initial shock passes by.

  • Squeeze or chew something

If the pain gets extra intense at some point, or if you are approaching a slightly more painful area - like close to a bone - it will help to have something to hold on to. Alternatively, chewing some gum will also distract you from the physical sensations.

  • Wear comfortable natural fabrics

Comfortable clothes are a must for a tattoo session, as you don't want a tight belt or a complicated bra strap to add to your discomfort. For the morning after the tattoo, clothes double in importance. If you need to cover your tattoo with your clothes, make sure it's with a loose, breathable, and natural fabric, rather than scratchy nylon.

  • We weren't kidding about the millennia

The oldest tattoo ever found dates back to 3250 BCE. It belongs to the mummified remains of a Stone Age hunter found in the Alps, who had 61 tattoos. Researchers named him Otzi.

  • Clear your schedule

If you want to ensure that your tattoo stays vibrant and colorful, then aftercare will be very important. This will include keeping the tattoo away from direct sunshine, seawater, or pools for at least a month.

  • Make sure you eat something

It is common for blood sugar levels to drop while getting tattooed, as your body will undoubtedly deal with a lot of stress. Make sure to have a good meal before your appointment and to have a snack or a drink in hand.

  • Keep your drinks healthy the day before

And by healthy, we mean non-alcoholic ones. It should go without saying, but trying to gather some "liquid courage" can easily make everything worse - and there's a good chance that the tattoo artist will actually refuse to tattoo you if you look tipsy.

Ready at Last?

Getting a tattoo has become increasingly common across the world. However, first-timers are often intimidated, as tattoos have a reputation for being painful. While the pain is not unbearable, it helps to know what to expect!

It works. Less painful than I imagined.
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Hello, I'm Anna Green, a fashion enthusiastic and a zest for life. I’m here to offer you the best fashion tips, beauty advice and lifestyle hacks.

Anna Green