By Anna Green December 19, 2019

People have different reasons why they shave their legs. Whether it's for aesthetics or practical reasons, shaving your legs is a very personal matter. No matter what your motivation is, it's important for you to know how to shave legs properly. Knowing how to do it correctly will help you avoid problems and irritation. You definitely want to be careful of red bumps and avoid ingrown hair.

I've compiled this list on how to shave your legs. It's a general guide of what I usually do so you can tweak it to your needs if you want!

How to Shave Your Legs

I remember the first time I started shaving my legs. I was around twelve and fumbled all around, trying to shave my legs dry, which is definitely not the best way to shave legs. The result wasn't pretty; I don't even like to think about it. Thankfully, I've improved so much since then. Here's my usual routine to help you see how to shave your legs to get those legs silky smooth in no time!

1. Take a shower

Hop into the shower, or bath, preferably a warm one. Just do your usual washing routine and save the shaving for last. You should have already been in the shower for two to five minutes before shaving.

A warm shower will not only help you relax but also soften the hair follicles. Soft hair follicles allow a close and easy shave!

2. Exfoliate

This is a step that's usually left out by people, but I swear by it. Exfoliating removes any dead skin cells on your legs, creating the perfect shaving condition on your legs. Now you don't need to worry about clogging your razor and getting razor burns! Just make sure you exfoliate gently to avoid redness and irritations.

I usually use sea salt scrub or coffee grounds scrub for this step. I like to keep it natural as I find natural skin care products greatly reduce irritation. Alternatively, you can also use a loofah or a soft exfoliating towel. Avoid products with harsh chemicals and microbeads!

3. Put on some shaving cream

Get some shaving cream to make the whole shaving process smoother. It ensures you get a close shave since it allows the razor to glide smoothly. Using shaving cream also lowers the risk of accidentally cutting yourself.

Please don't skip this step and make the same mistake as I did by shaving dry. After all the nicks and cuts I got that day, I swore to never shave my legs dry again. Let me tell you, applying shaving cream is certainly worth the extra time.

4. Shave

Grab a sharp razor and start shaving your legs. Always shave both ways, meaning you need to shave according to the direction which your hair grows and then shave again in the opposite direction. This method will give you a close shave and make your hair thinner when it grows back. It will also help you get those pesky hairs you missed in the first place too!

It's not a race, you guys! So, make sure you don't rush this process to avoid getting cuts. Also, remember to rinse your razor often to avoid clogging and apply more shaving cream if necessary.

5. Rinse

After shaving one leg, rinse off any excess shaving cream. Then, do the whole process on your other leg. Clean away all remaining shaving cream from your legs and your razor. Pat dry your newly shaved legs and enjoy your soft legs!

6. Moisturize

Remember, moisturizer is your friend. Shaving, no matter how gently you do it, is still harsh on your skin. After all, the whole process scrapes off your top layer of skin along with the natural oils and moisture there! Your skin is at risk of inflammation if you skip this step. So, don't forget to soothe your skin by moisturizing it.

You can use oil, body lotion, or after-shave lotion. Preferably, choose something gentle and unscented to avoid further irritation and redness.

How to Avoid Ingrown Hairs

Ah, ingrown hairs. They're the bane of my existence; they're painful and they look ugly. Here's how to get rid of them and how to shave your legs properly to prevent them.

Removing ingrown hairs

Ingrown hairs usually don't cause any major problems and will be resolved over time. But, since they're painful, you usually want to get rid of them quickly. Follow these steps to do so safely.

  • Wash the area using mild soap and warm water. This will clean the area and get rid of bacteria. Also, if the area is not red or inflamed, gently exfoliate it.

  • Wet a washcloth with warm water and use it to cover ingrown hairs. Much like taking a warm shower, this will help open your hair follicles. Keep the washcloth in place for at least one minute.

  • Gently tease out the hair. Use tweezers or a sterilized needle to do this. Do it gently and don't prod or pick at the area roughly.

  • Pull off ingrown hair gently. Once you've teased the ingrown hair out completely, gently pull it upward with a tweezer.

  • Clean the area. Wash the area once again with warm water and mild soap to avoid infection and inflammation.

Preventing ingrown hairs

Here are some methods on how to prevent ingrown hairs.

  • Don't use dull razors. Notice how I explicitly said you need to use sharp razors earlier? That's because dull ones can cause a lot of problems, including ingrown hairs. So, ditch your razor every two weeks or so to keep the ingrown hairs away.

  • Rinse your razor. Clean your razor after each stroke so it doesn't clog your pores with dead skin cells and debris.

  • Don't shave too often. Let your hair grow out a bit before shaving again so it has time to recover from any irritation.

Take Home

And that's the end of my guide on how to shave your legs. But let's face it: there's no one-size-fits-all guide to shave your legs; it all depends on your skin type, how much leg hair you have, and how quickly it can grow. Experiment carefully and figure out what method works for you.

Anyway, did I miss anything here? Or do you have any tips or hacks that you swear by? Please share your knowledge and let us know!

Detailed instructions. Very smooth to touch.
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Hello, I'm Anna Green, a fashion enthusiastic and a zest for life. I’m here to offer you the best fashion tips, beauty advice and lifestyle hacks.

Anna Green